Diverse Products, Services and Solutions.
Every project, situation and product is different, so each one must be quoted on its own
merits. If you are seeking an accurate cost quote, I will need complete information.
Although uncommon, at times I will agree to alternative compensation schemes, such
as trades, bartering and royalty agreements.
Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
Please email your Gerber and Excellon files for bare board manufacturing, including all
specifications and requirements you may have. Also include your Bill of Materials if you
require component assembly. If your information is complete, I will respond with a quotation,
otherwise I will contact you. Dont forget to include the PCB quantities and manufacturing
turnaround times that you need.
Technical Services
Please email a brief description of your project, I do not need small details initially. Include
the scope of services you require, describe the source information and materials available
(what will I have to work with?) and the completion deadline. With this preliminary info, we
will be able to quickly determine whether or not I am a good fit for your project.
Outdoor Services
Please email a brief description of your project and geographic location. With this preliminary
info, I will be able to quickly determine whether or not I am a good fit for you.